During World War I, France had been using German Spark plugs in their automobiles and then were confronted with the necessity of making their own. A chemist, Mr. Delaunay, was assigned the task of developing a material which turned out to be “ISOLANTITE” which has since become almost a trade name.
Mr. Delaunay’s brother-in law, Mr. Richieu, a sergeant, went into no-man’s land and brought back Major De Caplane, who as a reward, offered to supply Mr. Richieu with all the money he needed for a business after the war. The outcome was that Isolantite Co., Inc. of America started in 1920 for the purpose of making spark plugs, but these turned out to be not as good as the American “Andalucite plugs”, developed in the Bureau of Standards, however, in the early 1920’s, it was discovered that Isolantite was ideal material for radio frequency applications. Hence, “Isolantite” was used by General Electric, Radio Corporation of America and Westinghouse and others for their communication insulator problems. These same customers, still use it.
During World War II, the French-owned company was seized by the American Government as soon as the Germans invaded France, and as a result of U.S. Government operations, the company was in bankruptcy in 1945-1946.
Here, Isolantite Manufacturing Co., Inc. the present company, entered the picture, taking over the registered trade name, drawings, patents, engineering information and such of the old company’s equipment as suited our purpose. Operations since that time have been very successful.
The present company is recognized in Washington, at United States Information Agency for engineering and quality, for their requirements for American and overseas needs. Radio Free Europe also purchases their needs from us. We also have always supplied the needs of RCA Communications and American Telephone and Telegraph for their overseas transmission, and still supply them. Collins Radio, Western Electric, Westinghouse, TRW, Inc., Bendix Corporation and many others are good customers.

The present company has also added a silicone alloy insulating material because of its very fine radio frequency characteristics, and Federal Aviation Agency uses these silicone alloy insulators for all of the air navigations beams and instrument Landing Systems in the U.S.A. This excellent material has also been used for the same systems in Germany, Canada, India, etc.
In 1947 Frank Stevens and Johnny Simon purchased the equipment from Isolantite in Bellville, NJ and opened up the present company in Stirling, NJ. Upon Frank Steven’s death in 1970, George William Lumpe, purchased Isolantite Manufacturing Company which was finalized in 1971.
George William Lumpe was originally from Columbus, OH. George spent much of his life at his residence in Meadowbrook, PA, where he raised a family and many, many dogs. George became “the long-time owner of Isolantite Manufacturing Co., Inc. in Stirling, NJ.” (the major manufacturing of precision electrical insulation components) When asked what that meant George would often explain, “Well, I make something out of nothing.” As his clients’ needs developed over time, George excelled at creating new products to meet their demands. George served in the US Army Air Corps during WW II, traveled the world, and nurtured a profound love for his German Shepherds that were always by his side.
George owned Isolantite Manufacturing Company, Inc. until his passing on November 11, 2015. It was then that George’s four daughters assumed the ownership of the Company.
Susan Newman, Sally Sedwin, Nancy Parisi and Julie Jones have worked diligently to honor their father’s wishes in keeping Isolantite Manufacturing Co., Inc., a profitable Company for the entire Isolantite Family.